My Camping World Buying Experience

{“type”:”block”,”srcClientIds”:[“26e2396e-6136-4c7a-86ea-482977568be9″],”srcRootClientId”:””}After researching and dreaming about getting an RV to travel with, I bought my first camper, a T@G Max XL (Outback Edition). I really liked it and it was easy to tow with my Subaru Outback. However, like most people who buy an RV, nine months later it was time to move up to a bigger unit. After watching about every episode of “Going RV” and “Big Time RV”, I decided that I wanted to go with a Class C Diesel on the Mercedes Sprinter Van chassis. A lot of factors went into that decision, but it was something that would work for me. After looking at several options I decided that I wanted a Thor Freedom Elite 24FE. A model designed for Camping World. It was reasonably priced and I liked the full slide wall.

The Buying Journey Begins

So I headed off to the Ft. Myers (Florida) Camping World so I could check one out in person. Having spent a career in law enforcement, I should have keyed in on some of the traits of my salesperson. They didn’t have one in stock, but the Tampa RV Show was only a couple of weeks away and I didn’t plan on making a purchase until after the show anyway, so I could make sure there wasn’t another model that I would like better. Living an hour away from Tampa, I planned two days of looking. So the first day I looked at several different models with different dealers. But I found myself pulled back to the Thor Freedom Elite 24FE. The salesperson I dealt with in Ft. Myers was working the show, so I sat down to discuss my options. I explained that I was definitely going to purchase it but I wanted to do the deal at The Ft. Myers store the following week. He agreed and said that by doing it at the Ft. Myers store he could control the delivery. Perfect! I asked if the same show pricing would be available and he indicated that it wouldn’t be a problem. I was excited like a kid waiting for Christmas.

The next day (Sunday) I returned to the RV show to mainly focus on the vendors selling accessories and just browse the booths to see what was available. After attending a seminar, I decided to take one last look at the RV model I would be purchasing later in the week. I bumped into my salesperson and he said, “so are you going to buy it today?” I was a bit shocked, given our conversation less than 24 hours prior. I told him I didn’t bring a checkbook and reminded him of our conversation the day before. The salesperson pitch began. He stated you don’t need a checkbook, do you have a credit card? Then he indicated that when the show was over, the manufacturer’s incentives would be gone. I typically wouldn’t buy into that line, but having done some research, many non-dealer resources indicated that was actually an advantage of buying at an RV show. So I figured what was the real difference between a couple of days. So I sat down and worked out the deal and negotiated some extra things I wanted. After signing the paperwork, I thought, wow, that was quick. My salesperson said he would be in touch in a couple of days. They located one at the Tampa store and would coordinate getting it down to Ft. Myers.

I anxiously waited a few days and didn’t hear anything. I sent my salesperson a few emails and got no response. So, I went with some friends to the Ft. Myers store because they were buying a fifth wheel they saw at the show (and had no problems getting the show price–in fact much less!). In fact, I went there two days in a row while they worked things out. The first day, my salesperson wasn’t there but on the second day, I found him. I asked what is the deal, it’s been a few days and I haven’t heard anything from him on my emails or received any calls. He indicated that he forwarded my emails to the Tampa store and they should have contacted me. I asked him why Tampa would be calling? I was specific that I wanted it delivered at the Ft. Myers store which he also wanted. He said let me call and I will get back to you. So I waited a couple more days and finally sent an email to him and stated that if I didn’t hear anything by the end of the day, I would be RV shopping at another dealer that weekend. Amazingly, the Tampa store called me shortly thereafter. So he apparently does read emails, he just doesn’t usually respond to them. So in discussions with the Tampa store, they asked if I could please take delivery at the Tampa store. At this point, I didn’t even want to deal with my salesperson at the Ft. Myers store. So I agreed to meet at 1:00 pm on a Sunday to take delivery!

Delivery Day

I was excited to take delivery of my Class C RV. I checked in and was shortly thereafter introduced to the person that would do my walk-through. The process of going over the RV was quicker than I expected (about 35 minutes). Their literature indicates about 90 minutes. I wasn’t too concerned, because my friend that was with me, was experienced with RV’s. So between him and his wife, I knew that I would get the right information. My buddy is a perfectionist, so I knew I had no worries about how to operate anything. So we returned to the lounge and waited, and waited, and waited! I was told a couple of times that someone would be with me “shortly”. To set the mood, it is pouring rain outside and they are actually starting to turn off lights and clean things up in the showroom. The retail store closed. It was after 5 pm. I asked the receptionist again if she had any idea of when someone would get with me? She asked who my salesperson was and I explained he was at the Ft. Myers store and I only briefly talked to someone at this store. I gave her his first name and then I heard someone behind me say “I am so sorry, nobody told me you were here.” That didn’t even make any sense, because I was told twice while waiting that someone would be with me shortly.

I explained to the Tampa salesperson, that nobody has even asked me anything about the RV trailer I was trading in on the Class C. It was located behind my car, in the parking lot where rain was pouring down. Keep in mind the store technically was closed now with employees waiting for a break in the rain to leave. He had to gather some people and go and get the trailer in the pouring rain. I am sure they were thrilled to get totally drenched at the end of their day. But finally, near 5:30 pm, I get into the business office. The business guy was friendly and apologized and promised me a $200 gift card for my aggravation. He would get with the retail store the next day and mail it to me (NOT!).

The Drive Home

Finally, I have my new RV! Now I get to drive over an hour in the pouring rain, in the dark with a vehicle I am not familiar with driving. Now when I say it was pouring, I mean it was coming down so hard that traffic on I-75 was only going about 45 mph. The back living area of the RV was completely dark but I kept hearing something banging. I figured it was the bathroom door. I must have forgotten to close it all the way. I could also smell propane in the cab area. I just assumed the odor was remaining from when I did my walk-through and they were demonstrating the stovetop operation (spoiler alert: that wasn’t the reason on both counts). We stopped at a local steakhouse so I could buy dinner for my friends who came with me and spent much more time at Camping World than expected.

After dinner, I made sure the bathroom door was closed by giving it a tug. The rain was only a light mist now, so the journey home would be an easy non-stressful drive. As I pulled out of the parking lot and got on to I-75, I heard the sound of the banging door again! Oh and I still could smell the odor of propane!

My First Service Appointment

Within days of buying my RV, I found myself making my first service appointment to fix a few things I noticed. At the top of the list were the banging door and the propane. They adjusted the door and found a leak in the propane. I was surprised though that I was “limited” in the number of items I could list per service appointment. The other items were minor and I assumed I would be back again after my first check-out trip. So while I waited, I did some shopping in Camping World’s retail store (which I have to admit I think is among the best RV retail suppliers). When my RV was ready, I headed out to get some lunch and got onto the interstate. Within 10 minutes and one exit North of Camping World, the bathroom door popped open again. At this point, I was so aggravated, I sent an email to my service advisor while at lunch. I told her I would just deal with it for now and make another appointment after my first camping trip to check out the rest of the RV.

The Maiden Voyage

Like most people, I decided to make my first trip relatively close to home. I stayed at the Pine Island KOA, near Cape Coral in the greater Ft. Myers area. Things went pretty well and I didn’t experience any more issues. However, I sent another email to my service advisor prior to this trip and showed them some pictures where I noticed a crack in the fiberglass above a window on the slide. Someone, either at the manufacturer or the Tampa Store, attempted to cover it up with a poor job of using touch-up paint. My appointment was set for April 5th to fix the bathroom door and repair the crack. I wanted to get it done before my “big trip out west” on May 1st, which I had been planning for several months. It was going to be an epic photography trip. The Grand Canyon, Horseshoe Bend, The Big 5 National Parks in Utah, Route 66 in Winslow, AZ, and Sedona, AZ. I planned and made reservations at some RV parks in Utah prior to me even having my new RV because I knew I would have something and that reservations months in advance are highly recommended when visiting the National Parks in Utah.

Getting Ready For My Big Trip Out West

With a date set to leave by May 1st, I started getting a bit concerned if the RV would be ready for the trip. I sent some emails explaining my concerns. However, my concerns were not alleviated by the replies. I came to the realization that I might have to cancel part of my trip. Then the weekend before my trip, I had to scrap my Utah plans and cancel my reservations. However, being retired I decided that I would re-plan Utah in October and just focus on Arizona for May. However, those plans are rapidly changing because now that they have had my RV for over a month and May is nearly half over and I was informed by email that “hopefully” my RV would be done by the middle of next week (about May 16th). That would make it nearly 6 weeks to repair a bathroom door and a small crack. One way or another, by car or RV I have to head out to Arizona this month because I am selling a condo. After all, now that I have a condo on wheels, I won’t need it. I can travel to many places and see different things!

My Final Thoughts

I had a friend ask me how I could stay so calm about this experience. Luckily, due to my research, I understood that post-purchase service is not the same as when you buy a car. I expected repairs and delays, but I have to admit, I didn’t expect this long of a delay or the overall buying experience I had with Camping World. Don’t get me wrong, so far I love my RV and the problems have been minor. But I hate to think what it could be like if there is an issue that actually affects the operation of the RV. Oh, by the way, what about the $200 gift card? Remember, it was going out in the mail the next day! I should have had it the next day, two days at the most. It took over two weeks of e-mails and getting the Ft. Myers Sales manager involved. I eventually did get it!

So far, with my limited use of the RV, I am pleased with my decision. I love Camping World’s retail store and the fact there are so many around the country is why I chose to do my business at Camping World. However, if I do another upgrade in a few years, I seriously doubt it will be from Camping World. I will keep an open mind, but right now it would be a Vegas long-shot!

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